Friday, May 12, 2017

Literature Circle/Non-Fiction Article blog

The Holocaust affected many people global in a tragical way. Leon Leyson was a young boy with a well through family and a few good friends. Although he never really gets to see his dad he managed perfectly. Even though he wasn't wealthy nor poor, he still was grateful for his belongings. But when the holocaust came everything changed. He survived..? Well yes he did but two of his brothers did not and his dad barely even made by constantly getting beat and thrown in jail.

Leon Leyson was only a pre teen when it started. He and his family were forced to the ghetto and were also saw as peasants, or pests that should not be around. Many people felt bad about this but what could they have done. By this time the nazis were in full power. Leon did not understand that when he and his family may be the nicest family on earth. Thankfully he and his family were saved by a fellow friend of his father's. That's when he felt even more grateful and how precious life is.

In the article “Leon Leyson: The youngest worker to be saved by Oskar Schindler” by David Childs. He explains how Leon and his family went through the Holocaust, as in the book no different. During the reading of his Memoir I found details about his childhood and his life. The book was founded more specific than the article. Even though the article had many different informational texts. I find the book more reliable. Since the topic of the article is told way and the book is a memoir which was also told one way, that would mean they are both equivalent. They both Mention the list that saved his life. “The man I once knew saved my life” article paragraph 4. “If it wasn't for Mr. Schindler I wouldn't be here” book pg 223.

Work Cited

David Childs. "Leon Leyson: The youngest worker to be saved by Oskar Schindler." The 
     Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, 24 Jan. 2013. Web. 11 May 2017.

Leyson, Leon, Marilyn J. Harran, and Elisabeth B. Leyson. The boy on the wooden box: how the 
  impossible became possible ... on Schindler's list. NY, NY: Atheneum for Young Readers, an         imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division, 2015. Print.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lit Circles Blog

During the past few weeks in My ELA block 2 class, my fellow classmates and I are reading a book called “The Boy In The Wooden box” A memoir by a holocaust survivor named Leon Leyson. So far I’ve more than half of the book. In the book Leon Leyson started off as an ordinary kid. A supporting family and a nice neighborhood with his friends, he has four other siblings and he is marked the youngest out of the five. But some times when certain events take place it's way different. The family visits dads work town as a vacation. Leon was thrilled to see his dad and the town of Krakow. But then the nazis came and terrorized the city. The dad was sent off to jail and the oldest brother was sent off to fight for the freedom they deserve, while the family struggled in fear.

A character I'd like to meet is Leon Leyson because I can make an easy connection to him. Leyson group up with a sister just like me. In the book Leon found hardships growing up into his teens. He found work by helping his mother and the locals in the village. Just like me he also was bullied by other kids. So after all me and him can relate real fast. It would also be nice to meet him because he sounds like a great listener and a very knowledgeable man. I'm sure he came of some experience so he would be able to give some tips on life. Maybe tell me some of his knowledge on the holocaust and how it is to work for a living, like a job.

After reading. I wonder… if this event wore to happen again how it would effect me and my family and friends. Especially the generations to come because no one should go through this. Everybody can understand that a mass murder of our own kind, our own flesh and blood is not acceptable. Especially when we don't do anything to stop until the mid-future. This one of the most awful things that happens in world history. War and violence. This would be the impact on society if the holocaust were to happen again.

Friday, March 31, 2017

3rd Quarther Reflection Blog

During this quarter I recently read a series called 365 conspiracy, it's very well written and very exciting. It was an action packed drama that was actually a film produced in Australia. I love action and I think most Australian stories have more of it. My biggest improvements was catching up on late work and ixl. I have been struggling on them for awhile. Now I understand most of them and I actually caught up on my late work. I am very proud of the fact that I made it. Because it took a lot out of grades when i had missing work so, since I redeemed myself it makes me feel unstoppable.

In my ELA class we had a book challenge. This book challenge required 40 books to be read. I have recently read 26 books my 27 is a sequel to the 26th. Well speaking about challenges the most challenging thing is ixl and blogs. Reasons because is that some stuff I learn in class i forget and, Or don't know how to paraphase.

My blogs have been progressing just fine though.  I some what get the concept of these written pieces. TIQA has helped me with my writing a lot. I prefer not to talk about how I learned about the world so, I will say it's very random and interesting maybe a little mysterious. But most likely because of my research skills have improved. So I find more accurate and very informational content on our world today. Most of the things happening today, I'd rather not say anything because I have my own opinions which may be negative and positive in some cases.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Life is beautiful blog

In the movie “Life is Beautiful” life goes on until one day when Dora returns to an empty house on Joshua's Birthday, and everything changes. Guido and Joshua with many other Jews, have been brought off to a Jewish concentration camp, but Dora requests to be brought along as not to be separated from her family. Guido wants to keep his son from being scarred by all of this, so he tells his son that it is all part of a game, and if he does what his father says, he will win a prize. ( even though he starts to not believe him )

But let's rewind the story for a minute Guido a very bright headed man whose brain is where his heart is and his heart is where his brain Is. This made the movie a very interesting turn of events, so I'd have to say the tone of this was to be very inspirational and grateful about life, and the mood is the same thing. From the countryside to the big town in Italy he has always dreamt about Dora and him being very successful in the real world to him and her life really was beautiful.

One part is when they finally kiss, because Guido has been waiting along time for it and she has too. It was absolutely perfect for them it was a dream come true then later it shows a time lapse of the future and it was those two with a young boy. Now this young boy is a son of a married couple ( Guido and Dora ). They finally had a bookstore and a successful family. This really shows life is beautiful because it shows what it means to be young and old in a bright perspective so it gave the beautiful feeling to the story.

In my ELA class we studied the holocaust for quite some time now. And this movie made me have plenty of connections with some of the research. During our research we found a group called the black shirts that ran Italy which took over Ethiopia. As in the movie the scene around the scene wee Guido and Dora kiss. When they announce the original leader of Ethiopia and the black shirts hail to the little decoration that is being brought out. The other one i connected is that when he was working in the camp he did the mining and carrying of metal to the fire. Which was one of the Laborite qualities the camps had. But the only off thing is that he was able to run around like that and there would be more guards. There was also a very sad discovery about the gas chambers Aka the showers. They still had the children and elders take the “showers” and killed them.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Night blog

Throughout  the book Wiesel changes a lot. For the most part his faith was questioned until there was no more faith left inside of him. In the beginning of his journey he was just an average teenage boy in Sighet. In the text Wiesel claims to be really involved and interested in his religion. Wiesel  states “One day I asked my father to find me a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah. "You are too young for that. Maimonides tells us that one must be thirty before venturing into the world of mysticism, a world fraught with peril. First you must study the basic subjects, those you are able to comprehend." (4) This quote can reassure you on what I said earlier how Wiesel is devoted to his religion and is concerned on it. But now he questions his existence and how he would do fine without him like these words that Wiesel states, “The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames.” (The spiritual person that Elie once was is gone.) (34)

In the concentration camp Wiesel had only three values left for him, his father (which in the readings there should be some questioning to him and his actions), and his shoes and golden tooth. The doctor threatens him with the sake of taking his gold tooth. But since it's worth value, Wiesel would not be so foolish to do so. The shoes that he had kept him from infections and damage to his feet. This was the only thing that remembered him of his childhood. But now with those gone he loses faith and hope more times than ever.

In time Wiesel has changed he never really Wanted to get in trouble with the nazis cause if he wanted to survive that would not be good for him. In the text it states “My father suddenly had a colic attack. He got up and asked politely, in German,"Excuse m e ... Could you tell me where the toilets are located?"
The Gypsy stared at him for a long time, from head to toe. As if he wished to ascertain that the person addressing him was actually a creature of flesh and bone, a human being with a body and a belly. Then, as if waking from a deep sleep, he slapped my father with such force that he fell down and then crawled back to his place on all fours”. --- “I stood petrified. What had happened to me? My father had just been struck, in front of me, and I had not even blinked. I had watched and kept silent. Only yesterday, I would have dug my nails into this criminal's flesh. Had I changed that much? So fast?” This shows how he changed his personality all he cared was about surviving is key. Even he did not know why he did this…. not at all. (36-37)

Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York: Bansom Edition, 1960. Print.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Butterfly project


I'd Like to Go Alone

I'd like to go away alone.
Where there are other nicer people,
Somewhere into the far unknown,
There, where no one kills another.

Maybe more of us,
A thousand stromg,
Will reach this goal
Before too long.

I commented on:

Jaqlyn B., Jackson M. 
Andrew R.,  Antwone L., and
Anthony G.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Berlin Memorial Activity Blog


During the Berlin Memorial Activity I learned many things, these things seem ordinary but others do not. For example a peace of history I learned was in the year of 1939 and this quite ordinary and may be very reasonable. The note states, “Jews not allowed to leave their home after 8:00pm, 9:00pm in mumiser.” This caught my eye, because if we look in the nazi perspective they see Jews as a threat to economy and can't let them wandering off without supervision, so my guess is they took precautions and decided to make a schedule. One that was out of the ordinary is that in the year of 1939 the Jews were not aloud music or entertainment, “Jews to turn in radio” I mean music brings hope and allows us to get threw tough times and hard work. Some may say all hope is lost but that may not be the case.

I think the monument was built because it shows the reactions the Jews had to face and how we should be thankful about what we have now. I think that the laws being passed over the years were getting weaker because as Hitler's rose to power others quickly regain strength and brought him down to size. The restrictions I would  have trouble with is the whole music issue and entertainment, bc gives me another thing to hope for and have cause if I go down I'll have a pleasant face because if I died listening to my favorite song, or something like that.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Book talk blog

Book talk blog

Hello everyone I'm here to talk to you about a book that I'm reading called “conspiracy 365” by Gabrielle Lord. Well hope you enjoy my book talk.

  Fifteen year old Callum Ormond is still on the run for “attacking” his uncle Rafe and leaving his younger sister in a coma. And he’s still not any closer to solving the riddle of the “Ormond Singularity.” He’s still being aided by Boges, possibly his last friend left in the world as police forces throughout Australia are on the watch for him. Cal has a mysterious girl about his age helping him, or using him for her own purposes, he’s still not quite sure. This girl has helped escape from a group of people who put him into an oil tank. The girl helped him get out but on page 174 she said something really interesting. “You’d better hurry up if you want to stay alive,’ she added. ‘I’m serious, Sligo will be back any minute, and if he sees me—’ she paused and slung her bag over her shoulder, ‘he’ll know it was me who got you out.” She is clearly hiding something.  Now they have made it out of the territory of Sligo and made a run for it but with Sligo on their back things will become more difficult. Just by reading this there is a way to find the setting, the characters, conflict, mood, and a possible theme.

  The setting is based in the suburbs, in Australia. The characters are Cal , the Mysterious girl, Mom , his little sister Gabi, and Uncle Rafe. The conflict is that Cal has a big family secret which killed his father or at least had something to do about his father's death. So he is on the run always and every day. He only has 1 more year to find out the truth. He is being blamed for putting his sister in the hospital attacking his Uncle Rafe and trashing and breaking into his house. The mood of this book would be very intense, adventurous, and maybe a little mysterious. I have not figured out the theme. I thought this book was pretty amazing and very action packed, which personally made me like it. It has all of these mysterious moments but so many intense scenes that it like pictures the scene for you in your head. Which is actually pretty cool, and hey double deal the book is good and you can actually picture these scenes good (to understand the story). Plus speaking about  doubles and 2 and what not… this is actually the 2/12 book, yeah there is a series. I recommend this book to people who love adventurous and action packed books, maybe even mysteries and fugitive story based books too. But to be honest this book can go with anyone. This is also why you should get this book because of everything I just said. Plus when you read the series the whole story comes together and forms very good hooks, endings, story lines, and many questionable scenes in the book.